Eczema, also referred to as dermatitis, is a skin condition that knows no age boundaries, affecting adults, infants, and children alike. This condition comes in various forms, categorized as either endogenous, stemming from internal factors like atopic dermatitis (the most common type of eczema), or exogenous, triggered by external or environmental factors, such as allergic contact dermatitis. Eczema can be triggered by various factors:
- Genetics
- Abnormal Immune Response
- Environmental Factors
- Skin Barrier Dysfunction
- Allergies
Eczema doesn’t discriminate; it brings about inflammation, redness, dryness, bumps, and relentless itching. In some cases, it goes a step further, forming blisters that intensify the itching and, unfortunately, may lead to bleeding.
Eczema tends to establish its presence on specific areas of the body, including the face, hands, feet, inner elbows, and the back of knees. Its symptoms tend to escalate when exposed to certain triggers and irritants like soaps, cleansers, perfumes, cosmetics, household chemicals, stress, and variations in climate and environment.
Effective management of eczema revolves around prevention, proper skincare, and therapeutic interventions. Identifying and steering clear of triggers is your first line of defense against flare-ups. Additionally, keeping your skin well-hydrated with moisturizing creams can work wonders.